Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Umm. Do you know who you're talking to?"

Okay so I just had an awesome Sunday- 2.5 hours ago. No need to get into detail on all that. All that you need to know, is it was amazing and I wish it could have lasted forever. Now, I'm seriously about to cry. I'm starving.

So, what happened was Grover picked me up. We went to Ogden Pizzeria. I felt iffy about it when we walked in. So I decided to suck it up and try to deal with it anyway. They brought us our cheesebread. It was then that I realized, I could not deal with it any longer. There was a freaking hair on it. Yuck. Now, any normal, decent human being would realize that hair = no longer edible. So of course, after pointing out that there was a hair, informed Grover that I would not be eating. He was angry and tried to tell me it was garlic. Hello dumbass!!! Garlic is not a short, black, thick hair. It's just not.

So then the pizza gets there and I looked at it in all it's cheesy glory. Normally, I'd think, "yum!" This time, all I could think was, "Omg. Who knows how many hairs is buried in that cheese? Omg or under toppings? Or even in the sauce? I don't know who made this. It could be the same person who made the cheese bread. Yuck. Yuck. Oh, hunger is gone now. I'll just drink my Root Beer. Oh crap. What if there's a hair in that too? Okay, nevermind. I have water at home."

Yep, he was mad. He told me to just freaking eat. So, as one can expect of me, I ate. Oooooh but that's not all. I grabbed the smallest slice, scraped everything off, and took a tiny bite.

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